
give me liberty or give me death

Give me liberty, or give me death.

I don’t know if there’s a more fervent statement in our nation’s history than Patrick Henry’s impassioned declaration at the 1775 Virginia Convention, when he asserted: “Give me liberty, or give me death!”

Don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying our country’s liberty was that easy to win. Henry didn’t just say it and “POOF!” we’re free! Oh no. King George III wasn’t about to hand over his “new world” to the colonists. It took strength, bravery, resolve and courage for the early colonists to fight for liberty. It took making a stand and then acting on it.

Our country’s liberty and the courage of those early Americans has so many parallels to our addictions. That’s because there’s a common thread with freedom – sometimes, you just have to fight for it.

Freedom from addiction is worth the cost, the risk, the challenge to achieve a life liberated from harmful behavior. The road to liberty is not easy – but once you make the first move, we promise, you won’t regret it. Here are some steps that you can take to get started:

DECLARE YOUR INDEPENDENCE – In 1776 the Continental Congress declared that the original 13 colonials were done with the British Empire. British rule (like an addiction) was just too much of a burden. So just like Patrick Henry, you have to say it out loud. You have to say it with resolution. Whether its drugs and alcohol, pornography or shop lifting, admitting that “enough is enough” is the first step in declaring your independence from addiction.

ASK FOR HELP – The colonists didn’t fight for their freedom alone. Independence was a battle that was too big for their scant resources and experience. They brought in allies, like the French, to help them be strategic in their approach. Our team is your ally. We can help you defeat your addiction, and through our Life Development program, help you achieve enduring freedom from destructive habits.

FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT – The colonists wanted their independence more than the British wanted their afternoon tea. They didn’t win every battle. But because they kept fighting, they won the war. Fighting addiction can be a long, engaging war. It can feel overwhelming on a day-to-day basis. Don’t give up. FIGHT for it!

CELEBRATE YOUR WINS – Fireworks. Picnics. Hot Dogs. Hamburgers. Family. Close friends. July 4th is a day of celebration. Every win over an addiction deserves a celebration. Maybe you resisted the urge to drink at the party. Maybe you decided to turn off the computer rather than look at porn. Celebrate those wins. Tell someone who knows you’re struggling that you won today. Share your successes and revel in them – those celebrations will become the motivation that pushes you through the next time your addiction resurfaces.

Today is the day to declare your independence from addiction. And we can help you stand resolute in that declaration. Please call us if you’re struggling with addiction. We’ve seen and heard it all. You won’t embarrass us. You won’t offend us. You won’t surprise us. We can help. Please call us today.