Why You Might Be Feeling Socially Anxious Coming Out of Quarantine


The past couple of years have been challenging for many individuals, with the global pandemic forcing people into isolation and drastically altering social dynamics. As the world gradually opens up and people begin to resume normal activities, some may find themselves grappling with unexpected feelings of social anxiety.

Reasons for Increased Social Anxiety Post-Quarantine

Lack of social interactions during quarantine

During quarantine, individuals were often confined to their homes, limiting face-to-face interactions with others. This prolonged isolation could lead to feelings of loneliness and social withdrawal, making it challenging to readjust to social settings.

Fear of judgment or rejection

Extended periods of isolation may also contribute to heightened sensitivity to social judgment or rejection. People may worry about how they will be perceived by others after being away from social interactions for so long.

Changes in social norms and expectations

The pandemic has brought about significant changes in social norms, such as mask-wearing, physical distancing, and remote work. Adapting to these new norms while navigating social interactions can be overwhelming and contribute to feelings of social anxiety.


Adapting to Pandemic-Induced Social Norms and Managing Social Anxiety

Navigating Social Norms During the Pandemic: Challenges and Strategies

Symptoms of Social Anxiety

Physical symptoms

  • Rapid heartbeat
  • Sweating
  • Trembling
  • Nausea or stomach discomfort

Emotional symptoms

  • Intense fear or worry
  • Self-consciousness
  • Negative self-talk
  • Avoidance of social situations

Behavioral symptoms

  • Difficulty speaking or maintaining eye contact
  • Avoidance of social gatherings
  • Overanalyzing social interactions
  • Seeking reassurance from others
Recognizing Behavioral Patterns: Difficulty Speaking, Avoidance, Overanalysis, and Seeking Reassurance"

Behavioral Symptoms of Social Anxiety: Understanding the Signs

Coping Strategies

Gradual exposure to social situations

Start by easing back into social activities gradually. Attend small gatherings or social events with close friends or family members to build confidence.

Mindfulness and relaxation techniques

Practice mindfulness exercises, deep breathing, or meditation to calm anxious thoughts and promote relaxation before social interactions.

Seeking support from friends, family, or professionals

Reach out to trusted individuals for support and encouragement. Consider seeking guidance from a therapist or counselor who specializes in anxiety disorders.

Building Social Confidence

Setting realistic goals

Set achievable goals for yourself in social situations. Focus on progress rather than perfection and celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small.

Positive self-talk and reframing negative thoughts

Challenge negative self-talk by replacing critical thoughts with positive affirmations. Remind yourself of your strengths and past successes.

Celebrating small victories

Acknowledge and celebrate your progress in managing social anxiety. Reward yourself for stepping out of your comfort zone and facing social challenges.

Acknowledging Personal Growth: Rewards for Facing Social Challenges and Stepping Out of Comfort Zones

“Celebrating Progress in Overcoming Social Anxiety: Embracing Growth”

Maintaining Healthy Boundaries

Saying no when needed

Learn to prioritize your well-being by saying no to activities or social engagements that feel overwhelming or stressful.

Prioritizing self-care

Make self-care a priority by engaging in activities that bring you joy and relaxation. Take time for hobbies, exercise, and restful sleep.

Avoiding comparison with others

Avoid comparing yourself to others or setting unrealistic standards. Focus on your own journey and growth, and remember that everyone’s experiences are unique.

Unique FAQs

1 Is it normal to feel socially anxious after quarantine?

Yes, it’s entirely normal to experience heightened social anxiety after a period of isolation. The key is to acknowledge these feelings and take steps to address them positively.
2 What are some quick tips for managing social anxiety in social situations?

Practice deep breathing exercises, focus on positive self-talk, and set small, achievable goals for social interactions.
3 When should I seek professional help for social anxiety?

Consider seeking professional help if social anxiety significantly impacts your daily life, relationships, or mental well-being.
4 Can social anxiety improve with time and practice?

Yes, with consistent effort, exposure to social situations, and the right coping strategies, social anxiety can improve over time.
5 Are there online resources available for managing social anxiety?

Yes, there are many online resources, support groups, and mental health apps that offer valuable tools and guidance for managing social anxiety.


Coming out of quarantine and navigating social situations can be daunting, especially for those experiencing heightened social anxiety. It’s essential to recognize and validate these feelings while also taking proactive steps to manage them effectively. By gradually exposing yourself to social interactions, practicing self-care, and seeking support when needed, you can build confidence and resilience in social settings.

As we start emerging from our caves and re-entering the world little by little, there are some people who will feel unbridled enthusiasm as they pack their calendar with as much as they can, and others who—despite being somewhat socially starved—might feel anxious at only the thought of it, hesitant to start interacting just yet.

“There are some nearly universal reactions to the social isolation imposed by COVID-19—frustration, concern for loved ones, financial worries, sympathy for those who have died, boredom, etc.,” says psychologist Forrest Talley, Ph.D. And then there’s social anxiety.

But why? There’s actually a lot to unpack. Long story short: Your fearful brain is trying to keep you safe, and nothing really feels completely safe right now. Here’s more on why you might be feeling this way, how to know when it’s a serious issue, and what you can do to help.

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Police Brutality, Coronavirus, Unemployment: How to Mentally Cope with the Crises of 2020


In recent times, the world has been confronted with a multitude of crises, ranging from the long-standing issue of police brutality to the emergence of the global coronavirus pandemic and the subsequent rise in unemployment rates. These crises have not only brought about physical challenges but have also taken a toll on people’s mental well-being. In this article, we delve into the intersectionality of these crises and explore effective ways to cope mentally during such tumultuous times.

Understanding Police Brutality and Its Impact

Historical Context of Police Brutality

The history of police brutality dates back centuries, rooted in systemic issues of power and oppression. Understanding this history is crucial to comprehending the current challenges faced by communities worldwide.

Effects of Police Brutality on Victims and Communities

The impact of police brutality goes beyond physical harm, causing psychological trauma, fear, and distrust within communities. Victims often experience long-term mental health consequences, highlighting the urgent need for systemic reform and accountability.


An image representing the aftermath of police brutality, showing individuals experiencing psychological trauma, fear, and distrust within communities.

The psychological impact of police brutality extends beyond physical harm, leading to long-term mental health consequences.

The Emergence of the Coronavirus Pandemic

Impact of COVID-19 on Mental Health

The pandemic has exacerbated existing mental health issues, leading to heightened anxiety, depression, and loneliness among individuals globally. The uncertainty surrounding the virus and its effects has contributed to a collective sense of unease.

Challenges Faced During Lockdowns and Social Distancing

Lockdowns and social distancing measures aimed at curbing the spread of COVID-19 have presented unique challenges, including isolation, financial strain, and disrupted routines. These factors can significantly impact mental well-being, requiring adaptive coping strategies.

The Rise in Unemployment Rates

Economic Stress and Mental Health

Unemployment rates surged during the pandemic, causing financial instability and stress for many individuals and families. The link between economic hardship and mental health issues underscores the need for holistic support systems.

Coping Strategies for Job Loss

Coping with job loss involves resilience-building techniques such as seeking new opportunities, honing skills, and accessing mental health resources. Developing a proactive approach to career transitions can alleviate the mental strain associated with unemployment.


 Image illustrating the impact of pandemic-related unemployment, showing individuals and families experiencing financial stress and instability, emphasizing the connection between economic hardship and mental health issues, and the importance of holistic support systems.

Economic hardships during the pandemic have led to increased stress and financial instability.

Intersectionality of Crises in 2020

Overlapping Effects of Police Brutality, COVID-19, and Unemployment

The crises of 2020 intersect in complex ways, disproportionately affecting marginalized communities. Factors such as race, socioeconomic status, and access to resources amplify the impact of these crises on mental health outcomes.

Unique Challenges for Marginalized Communities

Marginalized communities face unique challenges, including systemic discrimination, limited access to healthcare, and socioeconomic barriers. Addressing these disparities requires inclusive policies and targeted interventions.

Coping Mechanisms for Mental Well-being

Seeking Professional Help and Therapy

Professional therapy and counseling offer valuable support for individuals navigating mental health challenges. Accessible mental health services and destigmatizing conversations about therapy are crucial steps toward recovery.

Building Resilience and Support Networks

Building resilience involves fostering supportive relationships, practicing self-compassion, and developing coping skills. Engaging with community support networks and peer-led initiatives can enhance resilience during crises.


 Image depicting a person in a therapy session, highlighting the value of professional therapy and counseling in providing support for mental health challenges. The image also emphasizes the importance of accessible mental health services and destigmatizing conversations about therapy for recovery.

Professional therapy and accessible mental health services are essential for recovery.

Self-care Practices During Crises

Importance of Self-care Routines

Self-care routines play a vital role in maintaining mental well-being during crises. Prioritizing activities such as exercise, mindfulness, and adequate sleep can bolster resilience and reduce stress levels.

Activities for Relaxation and Stress Relief

Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and stress relief, such as hobbies, meditation, and creative outlets, can provide a much-needed reprieve from crisis-related pressures. Incorporating these activities into daily life fosters emotional balance.

Promoting Social Awareness and Activism

Advocating for Justice and Equality

Advocacy efforts aimed at promoting justice, equality, and systemic reform are integral to addressing the root causes of crises. Amplifying marginalized voices and supporting grassroots movements contribute to societal change.

Community Engagement and Support Initiatives

Community engagement fosters solidarity and collective action in times of crisis. Participating in mutual aid networks, volunteering, and advocating for community resources strengthens social cohesion and resilience.

Image representing advocacy efforts, showing diverse individuals participating in a protest or demonstration, holding signs and banners promoting justice, equality, and systemic reform. The image highlights the importance of amplifying marginalized voices and supporting grassroots movements for addressing root causes of crises and fostering societal change.

Advocacy for justice and systemic reform is crucial for societal change.


In conclusion, navigating the intersecting crises of police brutality, COVID-19, and unemployment requires a multifaceted approach centered on mental well-being. By understanding the interconnectedness of these challenges, advocating for systemic change, prioritizing self-care, and fostering community support, individuals and communities can better cope with adversity and promote resilience.

Unique FAQs

1.How does systemic racism contribute to the mental health impact of police brutality?

Systemic racism exacerbates the mental health impact of police brutality by perpetuating fear, trauma, and distrust within marginalized communities. It creates an environment where individuals, particularly Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC), face discrimination, profiling, and disproportionate use of force by law enforcement. This constant threat of violence and injustice leads to psychological distress, including symptoms of PTSD, anxiety, and depression, among those who experience or witness police brutality.

2.What role do governmental policies play in addressing mental health needs during crises?

Governmental policies play a crucial role in addressing mental health needs during crises by allocating resources, funding mental health services, and implementing supportive measures. Policies that prioritize mental health awareness, accessibility to affordable care, crisis intervention training for first responders, and community-based mental health programs contribute to a more comprehensive and responsive approach to mental health care during crises.

3.How can individuals support friends or family members experiencing mental health challenges?

ndividuals can support friends or family members experiencing mental health challenges by:

  • Being empathetic and non-judgmental
  • Encouraging open and honest conversations about mental health
  • Offering practical assistance, such as helping with daily tasks or seeking professional help
  • Educating themselves about mental health conditions and available resources
  • Being a reliable source of emotional support and validation

4.Are there specific coping strategies tailored to different age groups during crises?

Yes, coping strategies can be tailored to different age groups during crises to address their unique needs:

  • Children may benefit from structured routines, creative outlets, and reassurance of safety.
  • Adolescents may find support through peer connections, healthy coping activities, and access to mental health resources.
  • Adults may benefit from stress management techniques, social support networks, and professional counseling.
  • Older adults may find comfort in maintaining social connections, engaging in hobbies, and accessing specialized mental health services for seniors.

5.What resources are available for individuals seeking affordable mental health support?

There are several resources available for individuals seeking affordable mental health support, including:

  • Community mental health centers offering sliding-scale fees based on income
  • Online therapy platforms with affordable options and financial assistance programs
  • Government-sponsored mental health services and hotlines
  • Non-profit organizations providing free or low-cost counseling services
  • Employee assistance programs (EAPs) through workplaces offering counseling and support services

A global pandemic, police killings, civil unrest, soaring unemployment: 2020 has been fraught with anxiety-producing events — and it’s only June.

“I have never seen such a convergence of the pillars of our life. All of them have been shaken,” says Dr. Kevin Gilliland, a clinical psychologist, director of Innovation360 and member of PEOPLE’s Health Squad

While some of these events, like police brutality and racial inequality, aren’t new, they’ve been pushed to the forefront in the last few weeks, all while people continue to die from the new coronavirus, COVID-19. And Americans have been suffering mentally because of the instability.

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15 Health Habits That Actually Optimize Your Immunity, According To Experts


In today’s world, maintaining a strong immune system is more important than ever. With various environmental stressors and health challenges, adopting healthy habits can significantly boost your immunity and overall well-being. We’ve compiled a list of 15 evidence-based health habits recommended by experts that can help optimize your immune system.


Image representing a diverse array of healthy habits, including fruits, vegetables, exercise, and relaxation techniques, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a strong immune system and overall well-being.

Prioritize your immune health with evidence-based health habits.

  1. Eat a Balanced Diet: Include a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats in your diet to ensure you get essential nutrients that support immune function.
  2. Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to keep your body hydrated and facilitate optimal immune system function.
  3. Get Adequate Sleep: Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night to allow your body to rest and repair, crucial for a robust immune response.
  4. Manage Stress: Practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, or hobbies that promote relaxation.
  5. Exercise Regularly: Engage in moderate physical activity most days of the week to boost circulation, reduce inflammation, and enhance immune function.
  6. Maintain a Healthy Weight: Strive to achieve and maintain a healthy weight through balanced nutrition and regular exercise, as obesity can weaken the immune system.
  7. Limit Alcohol Consumption: Excessive alcohol intake can suppress immune function, so moderate your alcohol consumption for optimal health.
  8. Quit Smoking: Smoking weakens the immune system and increases susceptibility to infections, making quitting an essential step for immune optimization.
  9. Practice Good Hygiene: Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, cover your mouth when coughing or sneezing, and avoid close contact with sick individuals to prevent infections.
  10. Take Immune-Boosting Supplements: Consider supplements like vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and probiotics after consulting with a healthcare professional.
  11. Prioritize Gut Health: Consume probiotic-rich foods like yogurt, kefir, sauerkraut, and kimchi to support a healthy gut microbiome, which plays a crucial role in immune function.
  12. Stay Vaccinated: Keep up to date with recommended vaccinations, including annual flu shots and other vaccines recommended by healthcare providers.
  13. Avoid Excessive Sugar: Limit intake of sugary foods and beverages, as excess sugar can impair immune cell function and increase inflammation.
  14. Get Regular Health Check-ups: Schedule routine check-ups with your healthcare provider to monitor your overall health and address any underlying issues promptly.
  15. Practice Mindfulness: Incorporate mindfulness practices such as gratitude journaling, visualization, or positive affirmations to promote mental well-being, which in turn supports immune health.


In conclusion, prioritizing your immune health through evidence-based health habits is crucial in today’s world. By adopting a balanced diet, staying hydrated, getting adequate sleep, managing stress, and engaging in regular exercise, you can significantly boost your immunity and overall well-being. Additionally, maintaining a healthy weight, limiting alcohol consumption, quitting smoking, practicing good hygiene, and taking immune-boosting supplements are essential steps for immune optimization. Prioritizing gut health, staying vaccinated, avoiding excessive sugar, getting regular health check-ups, and practicing mindfulness also play vital roles in supporting your immune system. Incorporating these habits into your daily life can help you maintain a strong immune system, better cope with environmental stressors and health challenges, and promote long-term wellness.


1.What role does diet play in immune optimization?

A balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins provides essential nutrients that support immune function. Antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals from food play a crucial role in boosting immunity.

2.Is there a specific type of exercise that is best for immune health?

Moderate-intensity exercises like brisk walking, cycling, or swimming are beneficial for immune health. Regular physical activity helps reduce inflammation, improve circulation, and enhance immune cell function.

3.Can supplements alone boost immunity?

While supplements like vitamin C, vitamin D, zinc, and probiotics can support immune function, they are most effective when combined with a healthy lifestyle. It’s essential to consult healthcare professionals before starting any supplements.

4.How does sleep impact immune health?

Quality sleep is vital for immune function as it allows the body to repair and regenerate. Lack of sleep can weaken the immune system and increase susceptibility to infections.

5.Are there specific stress-reducing techniques that help boost immunity?

Stress-reducing techniques such as meditation, deep breathing exercises, yoga, and mindfulness practices can help lower stress hormones and support immune function.

6.Can excessive alcohol consumption weaken the immune system?

Yes, excessive alcohol intake can suppress immune function and make individuals more susceptible to infections. Moderation is key to maintaining a healthy immune system.

7.What role does gut health play in immunity?

A healthy gut microbiome is essential for immune function as it houses a significant portion of immune cells. Consuming probiotic-rich foods and maintaining gut health through balanced nutrition is beneficial for immunity.

8.Is there a connection between obesity and immune function?

Yes, obesity can weaken the immune system and increase inflammation, making individuals more prone to infections and other health issues. Maintaining a healthy weight through diet and exercise is important for immune health.

9.Do vaccines help boost immunity?

Vaccines are crucial for boosting immunity by providing protection against specific infections. Staying up to date with recommended vaccinations, including flu shots, helps strengthen the immune system.

10.What are some signs of a weakened immune system?

Signs of a weakened immune system include frequent infections, slow wound healing, fatigue, digestive issues, and allergies. Consulting healthcare professionals for persistent symptoms is recommended.

By incorporating these 15 health habits into your lifestyle, you can optimize your immune system’s ability to defend against infections and maintain optimal health. Remember to consult with healthcare professionals for personalized advice and guidance based on your individual health needs.

Like most of us, I’m doing my damnedest to stay healthy right now. I’m social distancing and washing my hands almost obsessively. I’m trying to eat as many vegetables as possible to ensure I’m getting health-supporting nutrients that I’m not exactly taking in via all the stress baking.

It’s also not surprising that I’ve been bombarded with news over the past few months about how to bolster my immune system. I can’t scroll through my Instagram feed without seeing some influencer bragging about an immune-boosting smoothie or a supplement company promoting pills with elderberry and citrus.

Time-out, though. Immunity has a PR problem right now. The whole idea that you can power up your immunity in some quick-and-dirty way overnight (and, you know, avoid a cold or flu…or COVID-19) isn’t actually how it works.

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Why You Might Be Experiencing Quarantine Fatigue—and How to Deal with It

A lot of us are tired now… but less “I had a long day,” and more “a bones-deep ache I can’t quite place.” Yet it may feel odd to be so exhausted, despite being at home—typically, a place of rest—for months on end. And it might be paired with other feelings of unrest—depression, anxiety, loneliness, or irritability. Fun, right? Say hello to quarantine fatigue.

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There’s a Shortage of Antidepressant Zoloft and Its Generic Version amid Coronavirus, FDA Says

The FDA announced a shortage of the antidepressant Zoloft and its generic version, sertraline, as the coronavirus pandemic has led to an increase in reports of depression and anxiety in the U.S.

The FDA posted the announcement of the shortage to its website Friday, estimating that it will last about 60 days.

The short supply of the commonly used antidepressant comes just days after researchers at Johns Hopkins University found an increase in psychological distress reported among U.S. adults during the pandemic.

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Studi: Penduduk AS Banyak Depresi Akibat Pandemik

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Pandemik Covid-19 menimbulkan banyak perubahan di dunia. Tidak hanya kesehatan fisik, kini juga ditemukan gangguan mental akibat wabah yang mulai merebak sejak akhir tahun lalu itu.

Kevin Gilliland, seorang psikolog klinis, melihat peningkatan kebutuhan bantuan dari pasien lama maupun baru. Ada lebih banyak orang yang membutuhkan nasihat dan bimbingan di tengah pandemi.

“Kamu memiliki perasaan terisolasi dan kesepian seperti yang belum pernah kamu miliki sebelumnya. Kesehatan psikologis semua orang telah terpukul,” kata dia.

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Staying Active amid the Coronavirus Pandemic Can Help Manage Depression and Anxiety, Study Says

Although many people around the world are struggling with their mental health amid the coronavirus pandemic, staying active may help make stress and depression easier to manage.

A new study published earlier this month, which has yet to be peer-reviewed, monitored how changes in physical activity and screen time affected the mental health of over 3,000 adults in the United States during the early days of the global health crisis.

The volunteer participants, who were recruited via email and social media postings in early April, agreed to answer questions about their daily activity levels before and during the pandemic, as well as how many hours they spent in front of screens. The participants, who ranged in age from 18 to the mid-80s, were also asked about the current states of their mental health and their levels of isolation.

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10 znakova da patite od anksioznosti: Upozoravajući signali koje ne smete ignorisati!

Anksioznost je najčešći mentalni poremećaj koji ukoliko se ne dijagnostifikuje i ne leči na vreme može da ostavi psihičke probleme.

Kevin Gilliland, klinički psiholog otkrio je za HuffPost da kad pita pacijente misle li da su anksiozni, odgovor je najčešće ne iako se ustvari bore sa tim.

Anksioznost je teško prepoznati jer se pojavljuje na mnogo različitih načina koji mogu da izgledaju nepovezano.

Naši životi su tokom pandemije korona virusa iznenada promenjeni, te osećamo dodatnu brigu, strah i stres. Upravo to može da aktivira hormon stresa kortizol , a time i dovede do emocionalnih i fizičkih simptoma.

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A Third of Americans Show Signs of Clinical Anxiety or Depression in the Wake of the Coronavirus

In the wake of the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, a third of Americans are showing signs of clinical anxiety and depression, according to new data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) in partnership with the Census Bureau.

The data collection, which began on April 23 — and will continue for 90 days — was collected in the form of a 20-minute online survey called the Household Pulse Survey. The experiment was done to provide relevant information about the impact of the global health crisis on the U.S.

Participants were asked how often they have felt bothered or showed little interest or pleasure in doing things. According to the findings, between April 23 and May 19, roughly 30 percent of Americans experienced symptoms of an anxiety disorder and nearly 24 percent experienced symptoms of a depressive disorder as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

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Na ovih 10 znakova pripazite jer oni ukazuju na tjeskobu

Zanima vas ova tema? Onda pročitajte i ovaj članak: Navečer ne možete zaspati jer se puno brinete? Probajte ovo

Kevin Gilliland, klinički psiholog rekao je za HuffPost da kad pita pacijente misle li da su anksiozni, odgovor je najčešće ne.

U stvari se oni stvarno bore s problemom mentalnog zdravlja, rekao je. Anksioznost je teško odrediti ili prepoznati jer se pojavljuje na mnogo različitih načina koji mogu izgledati nepovezano.

To je osobito istinito sada jer mnogi osjećaju anksioznost zbog pandemije koronavirusa. Naši su životi izmijenjeni na nezamislive i brojne načine, što može pokrenuti hormon stresa kortizol i dovesti do emocionalnih i fizičkih simptoma.

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