• Innovation-360-Careers

Comprehensive Adolescent DBT Program

Innovation 360 provides Dialectical Behavior Therapy for Adolescents in accordance with the evidence-based treatment model developed by Dr. Marsh Linehan, Dr. Jill H. Rathus and Dr. Alec L. Miller.  The program is infused with original creative and developmentally appropriate elements for teens and families to better understand the core DBT skills.  The program we offer includes the following core components:

Skills Training Group (1 time a week, 90 minutes long)
This is a 90-minute weekly skills training group that provides education, skills practice and support.  A DBT skills group is led by two clinicians. This is a group formed to teach skills, reinforce learned skills and provide education and information each week to both parents and adolescents.

Individual Therapy (1-2 times a week, as needed)
Individual therapy consists of a 50-minute session per week with a DBT therapist.  Every third week, parents join the session.

Telephone Coaching (as needed)
Clients and parents may contact their DBT team outside of sessions.  Coaching is encouraged to help translate the insights of group and individual sessions into behaviors in daily life.

8 months for teens and 12-week parent group: $1600/month


Group Leaders and Therapists:

Katie Hoag, LPC                                              Jackie Moore, LPC

Mark Dane, MMFT, LPC, LCDC NCC            Amy Fisher, LPC Intern

Appointments/Referrals: Call John Wilson at 214.733.956 or [email protected]