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15 Health Habits That Actually Optimize Your Immunity, According To Experts

Introduction In today’s world, maintaining a strong immune system is more important than ever. With various environmental stressors and health challenges, adopting healthy habits can significantly boost your immunity and overall well-being. We’ve compiled a list of 15 evidence-based health habits recommended by experts that can help optimize your immune system.   Eat a Balanced […]

Why You Might Be Experiencing Quarantine Fatigue—and How to Deal with It

Introduction As the COVID-19 pandemic continues, many people are experiencing what’s commonly known as quarantine fatigue. This phenomenon refers to the mental, emotional, and physical exhaustion that can arise from prolonged periods of isolation, uncertainty, and disruption to normal routines. Understanding the causes of quarantine fatigue and adopting coping strategies can help mitigate its effects […]

There’s a Shortage of Antidepressant Zoloft and Its Generic Version amid Coronavirus, FDA Says

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has brought about significant challenges, including disruptions in the pharmaceutical supply chain. Among the medications affected is the widely used antidepressant Zoloft and its generic counterparts. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has recently reported shortages of these medications, raising concerns about access to essential mental health treatments. Understanding Zoloft and […]

Study: Many US Population Are Depressed Due to Pandemic

Introduction The COVID-19 pandemic has left an indelible mark on the lives of people worldwide, with its effects extending far beyond the realms of physical health. A recent study conducted in the United States has unveiled a troubling reality: a substantial portion of the population is grappling with depression as a direct consequence of the […]

Staying Active amid the Coronavirus Pandemic Can Help Manage Depression and Anxiety, Study Says

Although many people around the world are struggling with their mental health amid the coronavirus pandemic, staying active may help make stress and depression easier to manage. A new study published earlier this month, which has yet to be peer-reviewed, monitored how changes in physical activity and screen time affected the mental health of over 3,000 adults in the United States […]

10 znakova da patite od anksioznosti: Upozoravajući signali koje ne smete ignorisati!

Uvod: Anksioznost je često prisutno mentalno stanje koje može uticati na bilo koga, bez obzira na godine ili pozadinu. Iako je normalno ponekad osjećati anksioznost, stalni i intenzivni osjećaji anksioznosti mogu ukazivati na osnovni problem koji zahtijeva pažnju. Evo deset znakova koji ukazuju da možda patite od anksioznosti: Prekomjerna briga: Konstantno brinuti o svakodnevnim događajima, […]

Na ovih 10 znakova pripazite jer oni ukazuju na tjeskobu

Zanima vas ova tema? Onda pročitajte i ovaj članak: Navečer ne možete zaspati jer se puno brinete? Probajte ovo Kevin Gilliland, klinički psiholog rekao je za HuffPost da kad pita pacijente misle li da su anksiozni, odgovor je najčešće ne. U stvari se oni stvarno bore s problemom mentalnog zdravlja, rekao je. Anksioznost je teško odrediti ili prepoznati […]

Airbnb trials virtual date experiences with Bumble

According to one survey, nearly half of Americans have reported feelings that their mental health has been negatively disrupted by the coronavirus crisis. One national public health group Well Being Trust has even made the harrowing prediction that 75,000 Americans could die from drug / alcohol abuse or suicide because of the pandemic if solutions […]