Study: Many US Population Are Depressed Due to Pandemic


The COVID-19 pandemic has left an indelible mark on the lives of people worldwide, with its effects extending far beyond the realms of physical health. A recent study conducted in the United States has unveiled a troubling reality: a substantial portion of the population is grappling with depression as a direct consequence of the pandemic’s tumultuous impact.

Unprecedented Mental Health Challenges

The study, encompassing a diverse cross-section of individuals across various demographics, sought to unravel the psychological repercussions of the ongoing pandemic. Its findings illuminated the profound toll that prolonged periods of uncertainty, social isolation, economic instability, and health-related anxieties have exacted on mental well-being.

 Diverse group of people discussing mental health challenges due to pandemic

Unveiling the Mental Health Impact of the Pandemic on Diverse Demographics

Key Findings: The Pervasiveness of Depressive Symptoms

A standout revelation of the study was the prevalence of depressive symptoms among respondents. Many individuals reported experiencing feelings of profound sadness, hopelessness, and a pervasive lack of motivation. These hallmark signs of depression have intensified in the wake of heightened stressors and disruptions to daily routines triggered by the pandemic.

The Role of Social Factors

The study underscored the significant role played by social factors in exacerbating depressive symptoms. Factors such as limited social interactions, reduced access to support networks, and a surge in feelings of loneliness have collectively contributed to a stark decline in mental health across the population.

 Illustration of social isolation and loneliness impacting mental health.

Social Factors Amplifying Depression Amid Pandemic

Economic Uncertainty: A Contributing Factor

Economic uncertainty stemming from job losses, financial strains, and apprehensions about the future has further compounded feelings of depression. The psychological burden imposed by these economic stressors has added to the overall mental health challenges faced by individuals during this unprecedented period.

Addressing Mental Health Needs: A Call to Action

Despite the concerning findings, the study emphasizes the critical importance of addressing mental health needs in these trying times. Access to essential mental health resources, including counseling services, support groups, and online therapy platforms, is paramount in aiding individuals in coping with depressive symptoms and fostering overall well-being.

Illustration highlighting the need for mental health resources and support during challenging times.

Importance of Mental Health Support During Crisis

Proactive Measures for Long-term Resilience

The study advocates for the implementation of proactive measures aimed at mitigating the long-term impact of the pandemic on mental health. Strategies focusing on promoting resilience, fostering social connections, and providing comprehensive mental health support are pivotal in navigating the ongoing challenges and safeguarding mental well-being.


In conclusion, the study’s insights shed light on the pressing need to prioritize mental health support and intervention strategies amidst the pandemic’s continued upheaval. By addressing these challenges head-on and fostering a culture of mental health awareness and support, we can collectively work towards building a healthier and more resilient society.


Q: What were the key findings of the study regarding depression?
A: The study revealed a significant increase in depressive symptoms among the US population as a result of the pandemic’s impact.
Q: What factors contributed to the rise in depression?
A: Prolonged uncertainty, social isolation, economic instability, and health-related anxieties were key factors contributing to the rise in depression.
Q: Did the study identify specific demographics more affected by depression?
A: The study encompassed a diverse cross-section of individuals, indicating that depression affected various demographics across the US population.
Q: What are some recommended measures for addressing depression during the pandemic?
A: Access to mental health resources such as counseling services, support groups, and online therapy platforms is crucial for addressing depression during these challenging times.
Q: How can individuals cope with depressive symptoms effectively?
A: Engaging in self-care practices, maintaining social connections (even virtually), and seeking professional support are effective strategies for coping with depressive symptoms.



REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — The Covid-19 pandemic has brought about many changes in the world. Not only physical health, but also mental disturbances due to the outbreak that began spreading since late last year.

Kevin Gilliland, a clinical psychologist, sees an increase in the need for assistance from both existing and new patients. There are more people in need of advice and guidance amidst the pandemic.

“You feel isolated and lonely like you’ve never felt before. Everyone’s mental health has been affected,” he said.

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Staying Active amid the Coronavirus Pandemic Can Help Manage Depression and Anxiety, Study Says

Although many people around the world are struggling with their mental health amid the coronavirus pandemic, staying active may help make stress and depression easier to manage.

A new study published earlier this month, which has yet to be peer-reviewed, monitored how changes in physical activity and screen time affected the mental health of over 3,000 adults in the United States during the early days of the global health crisis.

The volunteer participants, who were recruited via email and social media postings in early April, agreed to answer questions about their daily activity levels before and during the pandemic, as well as how many hours they spent in front of screens. The participants, who ranged in age from 18 to the mid-80s, were also asked about the current states of their mental health and their levels of isolation.

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10 znakova da patite od anksioznosti: Upozoravajući signali koje ne smete ignorisati!


Anksioznost je često prisutno mentalno stanje koje može uticati na bilo koga, bez obzira na godine ili pozadinu. Iako je normalno ponekad osjećati anksioznost, stalni i intenzivni osjećaji anksioznosti mogu ukazivati na osnovni problem koji zahtijeva pažnju. Evo deset znakova koji ukazuju da možda patite od anksioznosti:

Deset znakova anksioznosti: Upozoravajući indikatori za prepoznavanje prisutnosti problema s mentalnim zdravljem.

Deset znakova anksioznosti: Upozoravajući indikatori koji mogu ukazivati na prisustvo problema.

  1. Prekomjerna briga: Konstantno brinuti o svakodnevnim događajima, kako velikim tako i malim, može biti znak anksioznosti. Ova briga može biti teška za kontrolu i može ometati vaše svakodnevne aktivnosti.
  2. Osjećaj nemira: Nemogućnost opuštanja ili sjedenja mirno, praćena osjećajem nemira, može biti manifestacija anksioznosti. Taj nemir može se fizički manifestirati kao živčano trzanje ili kretanje unaprijed-nazad.
  3. Teškoće u koncentraciji: Anksioznost može otežati fokusiranje na zadatke ili koncentraciju tokom dužeg vremenskog perioda. Možete primijetiti da vam misli lutaju ili da lako gubite pažnju.
  4. Iritabilnost: Osjećaj lakoće nadraženosti, uznemirenosti ili napetosti bez jasnog razloga može biti simptom osnovne anksioznosti. Male stvari koje vas inače ne bi smetale mogu postati izvor frustracije.
  5. Napetost mišića: Anksioznost često može imati fizičke manifestacije, dovodeći do napetosti i zategnutosti mišića, posebno u vratu, ramenima i čeljusti. Ova napetost može doprinijeti glavoboljama ili bolovima u tijelu.
  6. Problemi sa spavanjem: Teškoće u usnivanju, održavanju sna ili nemirnom spavanju mogu biti povezani s anksioznošću. Možete primijetiti da se prevrćete ili se budite često tokom noći.
  7. Umor: Konstantan osjećaj umora ili iscrpljenosti, čak i nakon adekvatnog odmora, može biti znak anksioznosti. Mentalni i emocionalni napor anksioznosti može doprinijeti osjećaju iscrpljenosti.
  8. Povećani srčani ritam: Anksioznost može uzrokovati ubrzan rad srca ili palpitacije, čak i kada ne obavljate fizički zahtjevne aktivnosti. Ovo može biti praćeno osjećajem straha ili osjećajem približavanja nečega lošeg.
  9. Izbjegavanje situacija: Izbjegavanje određenih situacija ili aktivnosti zbog straha ili anksioznosti može biti mehanizam suočavanja. Ovo izbjegavanje može pružiti privremeno olakšanje, ali može produžiti anksioznost na duže staze.
  10. Panični napadi: Nagli epizodi intenzivnog straha ili panike, praćene fizičkim simptomima poput bolova u prsima, otežanog disanja, vrtoglavice ili znojenja, česti su u anksioznim poremećajima.
Intenzivni strah ili panika s fizičkim simptomima: znakovi anksioznosti koji zahtijevaju pažnju.

Intenzivni strah ili panika s fizičkim simptomima: česti znakovi anksioznosti.


Ako prepoznajete nekoliko ovih znakova kod sebe ili nekog koga poznajete, važno je potražiti stručnu pomoć. Stručnjak za mentalno zdravlje može pružiti tačnu dijagnozu i preporučiti odgovarajuće opcije liječenja, poput terapije, lijekova ili promjena u načinu života, kako biste efikasno upravljali anksioznošću. Ignorisanje ovih upozoravajućih signala može produžiti nepotrebno patnju i uticati na vaš kvalitet života. Preduzimanje proaktivnih koraka u rješavanju anksioznosti može dovesti do poboljšanja mentalnog blagostanja i opšteg zdravlja.

Evo nekoliko često postavljanih pitanja (FAQs) u vezi s temom 10 znakova anksioznosti:

Koje su najčešće manifestacije anksioznosti?
Najčešći znakovi anksioznosti uključuju prekomjernu brigu, nemogućnost opuštanja, nemir, teškoće u koncentraciji, iritabilnost, napetost mišića, poremećaji spavanja, umor, povećan srčani ritam te izbjegavanje određenih situacija.
Kako razlikovati normalnu brigu od anksioznosti?
Normalna briga obično je privremena i proporcionalna situaciji, dok je anksioznost dugotrajna, prekomjerna te može biti nesrazmjerna izazovu ili događaju.
Da li anksioznost može utjecati na fizičko zdravlje?
Da, anksioznost može imati fizičke posljedice poput napetosti mišića, glavobolja, problema sa spavanjem, povećanog srčanog ritma te drugih simptoma.
Kako se može dijagnosticirati anksioznost?
Dijagnoza anksioznosti obično se postavlja na temelju pregleda simptoma od strane licenciranog stručnjaka za mentalno zdravlje poput psihijatra ili psihologa.
Kakav je tretman za anksioznost?
Tretman za anksioznost može uključivati terapiju, lijekove ili kombinaciju oba, ovisno o težini simptoma i individualnim potrebama pacijenta.
Da li se anksioznost može trajno izliječiti?
Anksioznost se može uspješno upravljati i kontrolirati, ali trajno izlječenje ovisi o individualnim faktorima i odgovoru na terapiju.
Kako mogu pomoći nekome ko pati od anksioznosti?
Pružite podršku, razgovarajte s osobom otvoreno o njenim osjećajima, potaknite je da potraži stručnu pomoć i budite strpljivi i razumijevajući.
Da li su promjene u načinu života korisne za upravljanje anksioznošću?
Da, promjene poput redovite tjelesne aktivnosti, zdrave prehrane, tehnika relaksacije i upravljanja stresom mogu biti vrlo korisne u upravljanju anksioznošću.
Koliko je važno potražiti stručnu pomoć za anksioznost?
Potraga za stručnom pomoći je ključna, posebno ako simptomi anksioznosti utječu na svakodnevni život i kvalitetu života.
Da li je anksioznost nasljedna?
Anksioznost može imati genetske komponente, ali i okolinski faktori igraju važnu ulogu u njenom razvoju.

Anksioznost je najčešći mentalni poremećaj koji ukoliko se ne dijagnostifikuje i ne leči na vreme može da ostavi psihičke probleme.

Kevin Gilliland, klinički psiholog otkrio je za HuffPost da kad pita pacijente misle li da su anksiozni, odgovor je najčešće ne iako se ustvari bore sa tim.

Anksioznost je teško prepoznati jer se pojavljuje na mnogo različitih načina koji mogu da izgledaju nepovezano.

Naši životi su tokom pandemije korona virusa iznenada promenjeni, te osećamo dodatnu brigu, strah i stres. Upravo to može da aktivira hormon stresa kortizol , a time i dovede do emocionalnih i fizičkih simptoma.

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A Third of Americans Show Signs of Clinical Anxiety or Depression in the Wake of the Coronavirus

In the wake of the ongoing coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, a third of Americans are showing signs of clinical anxiety and depression, according to new data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) in partnership with the Census Bureau.

The data collection, which began on April 23 — and will continue for 90 days — was collected in the form of a 20-minute online survey called the Household Pulse Survey. The experiment was done to provide relevant information about the impact of the global health crisis on the U.S.

Participants were asked how often they have felt bothered or showed little interest or pleasure in doing things. According to the findings, between April 23 and May 19, roughly 30 percent of Americans experienced symptoms of an anxiety disorder and nearly 24 percent experienced symptoms of a depressive disorder as a result of the coronavirus outbreak.

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Na ovih 10 znakova pripazite jer oni ukazuju na tjeskobu

Zanima vas ova tema? Onda pročitajte i ovaj članak: Navečer ne možete zaspati jer se puno brinete? Probajte ovo

Kevin Gilliland, klinički psiholog rekao je za HuffPost da kad pita pacijente misle li da su anksiozni, odgovor je najčešće ne.

U stvari se oni stvarno bore s problemom mentalnog zdravlja, rekao je. Anksioznost je teško odrediti ili prepoznati jer se pojavljuje na mnogo različitih načina koji mogu izgledati nepovezano.

To je osobito istinito sada jer mnogi osjećaju anksioznost zbog pandemije koronavirusa. Naši su životi izmijenjeni na nezamislive i brojne načine, što može pokrenuti hormon stresa kortizol i dovesti do emocionalnih i fizičkih simptoma.

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Airbnb trials virtual date experiences with Bumble

According to one survey, nearly half of Americans have reported feelings that their mental health has been negatively disrupted by the coronavirus crisis. One national public health group Well Being Trust has even made the harrowing prediction that 75,000 Americans could die from drug / alcohol abuse or suicide because of the pandemic if solutions are not found.

Psychologist Doctor Kevin Gilliland told Travel Daily News: “You’re having feelings of isolation and loneliness like you’ve never had before.”

Fairytrail says on its website: “Since travelling is impossible now, this is how we can take some travel magic and bring it into our lives: These virtual adventures allow us to learn new things, meet people from different cultures, and experience something live and fun with people we like.”

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